Groundwork RI is a 2022 Land Use Innovation Grant Recipient!
Groundwork Rhode Island is thrilled to announce that we are a 2022 recipient of The Groundwork USA Land Use Innovation (LUI) Grant! The almost $50,000 LUI grant will support resident, business, and school engagement around the remediation of a vacant brownfield in Providence’s West End and its transformation into the West End Compost Hub. As part of this project we will partner with a variety of community stakeholders to develop educational and training programming for residents, businesses, schools and other community members, and develop a plan to ensure that the West End Compost Hub meets community needs and interests. The goal of the LUI funding is to (1) amplify community voice in planning projects related to brownfield redevelopment; and (2) advance environmental justice. Thanks to Groundwork USA, National Park Service – RCTA and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization for the opportunity to increase Rhode Island’s capacity to divert food waste from the landfill and connect more people to community composting and urban agriculture! Congratulations to all the other LUI grant recipients in the Groundwork network! Groundwork Bridgeport Groundwork Ohio River Valley Groundwork Lawrence Groundwork Hudson Valley #changingplaces #changinglives #landuseinnovation #climatesafefutures #greeninfrastructure #climatejustice