Seeking General Contractor for West End Compost Hub Construction
Bids Due July 1, 2024
Please note that this is a revised deadline. You may disregard the deadline listed in the attached bid document. In addition, there is no bond requirement. Please disregard that requirement in the attached bid document.
Project Summary: The West End Compost Hub is being created to divert organic waste away from the Johnston Central Landfill – which is nearly at capacity – and produce a high-quality soil amendment to improve soils and bolster urban food production in Providence. The project includes an in-vessel aerobic composter, leaf storage, and equipment sheds. The buildings are set back from the street and framed by a set of gardens and muraled fences to enhance the street life. The buildings are built out of robust concrete block walls up to 5’ and then topped with translucent polycarbonate walls and roofs. A solar canopy is designed to provide for all site energy. The hub will serve as an educational facility and provide both ecosystem and economic benefits to the neighborhood while challenging the industrial aesthetic often associated with waste processing facilities. Please note that there is lead and PAH-impacted soil at the site that must remain onsite during construction and will be capped in accordance with the design plans. The general contractor and all sub-contractors will need to keep soil in the general area that it came from during construction in order to avoid the need for recharacterizing soil if any extra soil is generated for disposal. Contractors will need to ensure soil is not tracked offsite and that erosion and dust controls are in place.
Bidding Documents: The document linked below contains instructions to bidders for this project. To obtain an emailed PDF file of the bidding documents and site plans contact:
Ella Kilpatrick Kotner, Harvest Cycle Coordinator
Groundwork Rhode Island
p) 401 305-7174
e) ekotner @ groundworkri.org
Submission of Bids: Submit Bid Form before the time and date below. Late submissions will not be considered. Submit bids in sealed and labeled envelopes with the project name and bidder’s name on the outside of the envelope. Mark the envelope: ‘Bid Enclosed – Do Not Open’.
Submit Bids to: Groundwork Rhode Island at 1005 Main Street, Suite 1223 Pawtucket, RI 02860
Date and Time of Day of Submission: Monday, July 1, 2024 @ 5:00 PM
Site Visit: A site visit is required. Contact the person named above to arrange a visit.