West End Compost Hub
Help us make community-wide composting in Providence a reality!
Groundwork RI is working with many partners, including landowner West Elmwood Housing, to create the West End Compost Hub!
The site (current conditions pictured below) is currently a vacant lot and designated Brownfield. We have been awarded $205,000 by the RI Department of Environmental Management (DEM) to remediate the land and prepare it for composting infrastructure. However, in order to secure that funding, we must come up with $41,000 in match funds!
That’s where you come in! Please check out our campaign page HERE and help us reach our $41,000 goal!
You can also donate by texting COMPOST to 44321
Located at 34 Fuller Street, the West End Compost Hub will be a permitted medium-scale composting facility able to process 7-11 tons of food scraps every week, once at capacity. The site will accept food scraps dropped off by local residents as well as scraps tipped by local haulers such as our own Harvest Cycle bicycle pickup service. We will be utilizing the site as a training and education center for our adult job training program as well as for local schoolchildren, creating jobs for our Green Team youth program as well as other local residents to haul and process food scraps, and selling a portion of our finished compost to Southside Community Land Trust, West Elmwood’s Sankofa Initiative, and other small and nonprofit urban growers at a discounted rate.
For more information, please contact [email protected].